BeeCNC Motherboard Files

17 June 2011

About a 1-minute read

The first version of the BeeCNC uses a motherboard I designed myself to test my steppers and the usability of the Teacup firmware on an Atmel ATmega328P chip. It has some errors; notably:

  1. The EasyDriver “M+” lines are hooked to +5V, so other voltages aren’t an option
  2. I didn’t have any ~20pF capacitors on hand, so I used double 10pF caps on each leg of the crystal oscillator
  3. It has no onboard voltage regulator or USB adapter; these are handled by a different power supply board and a ladyada “FTDI Friend” respectively

The schematic:

BeeCNC Motherboard Schematic v1

The PCB:

BeeCNC Motherboard PCB v1
